She never serves me food without a tray and always ask if I need anything before sitting down – Man brags about his wife who he described as a rare breed

A South African man, Themba Tom Ntuli has bragged about his wife who he described as a ‘rare breed’ in an era where independent, educated women see ‘serving as oppression.’

In a post he shared on Facebook, Tuli said his wife always serves his food with a tray and asks if he needs anything before sitting down.

“My wife never serves me food without a tray! She, without fail everyday, ask me if id like to eat on the dining table or on the couch, she then brings me food where i am. I have also noticed that she asks me if I need anything else before she sits down. In an era where independent educated women see serving as oppression, I must say that I have married a rare breed.” he wrote.

She never serves me food without a tray and always ask if I need anything before sitting down - Man brags about his wife who he described as a rare breed 4


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