August Recharge Card Giveaway Update

This is just to update all our followers on need for constructive comments. We want you all to be aware that posting mono-syllables or 2 to 3 word sentences will no longer be counted in your tally for the overall winners of our giveaway.

We do not believe it is fair for someone who constantly comments ‘ok’ to posts to be picked ahead of those with more constructive comments. It is understandable that some posts will have one-word comments, for example, if someone buys a car, we will all say congratulations.

However, if that if your response all the time, then it does not count for your tally. Below are some of the 1-3 word comments types we have commonly noticed.


‘thanks for the info’

‘thanks for the update’






‘so sad’




  1. You guys should know some post do depend such reply or comment cause there may be nothing to say,so we comment mono syllable words to participate at least.

  2. For the “thanks for the update or info” I did such so I can participate more than the rest,cause I see we like 10 and keeping commenting on all post, so how can you know the winner,as we all comment once on each post?
    It should have been the highest comment!
    I did that to show that am willing to win by commenting more comment.

  3. The Informations providing for us is more Paramount and as well as making us to be more conversant to the information around the world not only Nigeria. I really appreciate your financial gesture.

  4. Thanks so much for making this point clear.
    I think it is unfair for someone to be writing such comments and feel they will count
    If they count, it will be cheating on people writing constructive longer comments

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