Nigerian man shares message he received from a Bolt driver after he cancelled his trip.

A Nigerian Man has shared a message he received from a bolt driver after he cancelled a trip he didn’t need.

In the message the driver sent, he accused him of wasting his time, energy and his fuel as he cursed the man.

See the message below

Nigerian man shares message he received from a Bolt driver after he cancelled his trip. 4


  1. He should have cursed him the way he does because God has reasons for Everything in life, if you are traveling and something bad occur what would say or do.

  2. He should have reason along with him, there must be a reason before he could cancel his trip. God knows the best for everyone if this doesn’t happen, the one that may happen may be worse than this. Always appreciate God for whatever happens in life.

  3. I reject it on behalf of the man and I say it shall never come to pass
    Well having said that, this guy that shared this message should send an apology letter to him and explain to him why he did not make it again

  4. Some people are really mean. What is the need for that. As if he has never done same to someone else. What goes around, comes around

  5. It’s wrong to judge a matter from just a side.
    Who knows the agreement they had? Though that doesn’t justify the attitude of the driver, it’s absolutely wrong.

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